1) Make out
Make out は「見える」や「聞こえる」、「読める」など何かを認識したり、理解することを意味します。例えば、友達に「あの標識なんて書いてあるか見える?」と聞く場合は「Can you make out that sign?」、その質問に対して「遠すぎて見えないよ」と返事をする場合は「It’s too far. I can’t make it out.」と言います。この表現は一般的に、「〜が見えない」や「〜が判読できない」のように、否定形で使われます。
その他、make out は「イチャイチャする」を意味するスラングとしても使われます。この表現にはディープキスをする意味合いもあり、特にパーティーでカップルがイチャついているのを見たときに、「Omg. Tom and Lisa are making out!(うわ!トムとリサがイチャイチャしている)」のように使われます。なお、キス以上の行為はmake outには含まれません。
What does that sign say? Can you make it out?
I couldn’t make out what he said. Did you catch it?
I heard Peter and Megan were making out at the party last night.
2) Make it quick
Make it quickは直訳すると「早く作ってね」になりますが、日常会話では急いでいるときに相手に対して「早く済ませてね」や「急いでね」の意味で使われる話し言葉です。使い方はhurry upと似ており、例えば電車が出発する間際に友達が「I have go to the bathroom.(トイレに行かないと)」と言ったときに、「Make it quick. The train is leaving in 5 minutes.(急いでね。電車は5分で出発するから)」という具合に命令形で使われることが多いです。「すぐに済ませるから」は「I’ll make it quick.」と言います。
A: Do I have time to get changed?
B: Yeah, but make it quick. The show is starting in 20 minutes.
A: Do you have a minute? I know you’re busy. I’ll make it quick.
B: Yeah, what’s up?
3) Make sense
Make sense は物事を理解したときに使われ、分からなかったことが明らかになったり、何かに納得したことを表します。I understand と意味は似ていますが、make sense は話にしっかり筋が通っていて理解できるニュアンスがあり、「分かりましたか?」は「Does it make sense?」、「ええ、理解できました」は「Yeah, that makes sense.」と言います。逆に、話が矛盾していたり、筋が通っていなかったり、理屈がおかしい時は、「It doesn’t make sense.」と言います。
That makes sense. Thanks for the clarification.
That makes sense. No wonder he was so upset.
What she’s saying doesn’t make sense. She’s contradicting herself.
4) Make up
この表現は、喧嘩をした相手と仲直りすることや、もめ事を丸く収めることを表し、喧嘩をした友達同士やカップルが仲直りする状況で使われます。例えば、「私はジョンと仲直りした」は「I made up with John.」、「マイクとマヤは仲直りした」は「Mike and Maya made up.」という具合に使われます。ちなみに、make up は「埋め合わせをする」を意味し、例えば、彼女の誕生日をうっかり忘れてしまい「ごめん。埋め合わせするから」と言いたい時は「I’m sorry. I’ll make it up to you.」と表現します。
その他、make upは歌や詩、ストーリーなどを自作する意味としても使われます。例えば、「歌を作りました」は「I made up a song.」、「詩を作りました」は「I made up a poem.」のように表します。
They’re on good terms now. They made up with each other.
I got into an argument with Matt but we made up.
I’m sorry about last night. I’ll make it up to you.
Wow, did you make up that song on the spot?
5) Make a difference
Make a differenceを直訳すると「違いを作る」ですが、この表現は、ある行動によってポジティブな変化や結果が生まれることを意味します。例えば、「留学経験が英会話力に大きな影響を与えた」と表現する場合は「Studying abroad really made a difference」と言うことができます。逆に、効果やインパクトがない場合は、「It makes no difference.」または「It doesn’t make any difference.」と表現します。
その他、It makes no differenceは「どっちいでもいい」を意味し、特に、選択肢が2つある状況でどちらを選択しても気にしないといったニュアンスが含まれます。
Writing down your goals really makes a difference. You should try it.
A lot of people don’t vote because they think it makes no difference.
I can do Korean food or Japanese food. It doesn’t make a difference to me.
6) What do you make of
What do you make of ____ は相手の意見や考えを尋ねるときに使われ、 What do you think of ____ の言い換え表現として使われます。例えば、「これどう思う?」は「What do you make of this?」、「あの映画についてどう思う?」は「What do you make of that movie?」という具合に使われます。その他、相手がある物事をどのように解釈するのかを尋ねるときにも使われ、例えば、不可解なメッセージが届いたときに「What do you make of this message?(このメッセージをあなたはどう解釈しますか?)」と表現します。
What do you make of the idea she proposed?
Tony sent me a weird email. Take a look at it. What do you make of it?
I don’t know what to make of him. But there’s something about him that seems shady.
7) Make a wish
Make a wish は「願い事をする」を意味します。例えば、誕生日パーティーの主役に「ろうそくを吹き消して願い事を言って」と言いたい場合は「Blow out the candles and make a wish.」と言います。その他、「欲しいものリストを作る」は「Make a wish list.」と言います。
Happy birthday! Did you make a wish?
It’s 11:11. Make a wish guys!
I made my Amazon wish list and emailed it to you.
8) Make fun of
Make fun ofは人をからかったり、馬鹿にしたりすることを表します。相手をからかって本当に困らせる時と友達同士が冗談でからかい合う時、両方の状況で使えます。「彼は彼女をからかった」と言いたい場合は「He made fun of her.」と言い、made fun of の後にからかう対象が入ります。
I've known him since I was a kid. We make fun of each other all the time.
She's upset because Jack made fun of her pronunciation.
My friends always make fun of me because I can't eat hot food.
9) Make up one’s mind
Make up one’s mind は「決める」や「決心する」を意味し、decideのより口語的な言い方です。どうしていいか分からない時や、優柔不断でなかなか決断できない状況でよく使われ、優柔不断な友達に対して「決めて!はっきりして!」と言う場合は「Make up your mind!」、そして「どうしていいか分からないよ。迷う!」と返事する場合は「I can’t make up my mind!」と言います。
Did you make up your mind or are you still thinking about it?
I don’t know what to do. I can’t make up my mind.
I made up my mind. I’m going to quit my job and start my own business.
10) Make one’s day
誰かのおかげで幸せな気分になったり、相手の一言で励まされたとき英語では「You made my day.」という表現を使うことがよくあります。直訳すると「あなたのおかげで良い一日になったよ」になり、相手に感謝の気持ちを伝えるときに使われ、「Thanks. You made my day!」のようにセットで使われます。その他、試験に合格したり、面接に受かったりなど、良い報告を受けたり嬉しい出来事があったときは「That made my day!」と言います。ちなみに、dayだけではなく「That made my week」、「That made my month.」、「That made my year」と言うこともできます。
Thanks for the gifts. You made my day.
Thank you for the call. You really made my day.
I just found out I got into the MBA program. I'm so excited! That made my year!
同時也有145部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過803的網紅樂筆 x 日光實驗室,也在其Youtube影片中提到,歡迎光臨~我是樂筆! 這集節目的大來賓是中文系美麗的會長綠綠!現任空服員,休假時過著偶爾上山採藥、偶爾下海捕魚的日子。 大學畢業後,綠綠起先也找了份坐辦公室的行銷工作,但內心總有個聲音呼喚他趁年輕多走出去看一看……當時他想:是不是該去澳洲打工度假? 不久後奇妙的事發生!生命選擇中竟然多了一條路...
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suckは本来、「吸う」や「しゃぶる」、「なめる」を意味する単語です。例えば、「ストローで吸う」は“Suck on a straw.”、「ペロペロキャンディーをなめる」は“Suck on a lollipop.”、「私の息子は親指をしゃぶります」は“My son sucks his thumb.”と言います。その他、“Vacuum cleaners suck dust from the floor.”のように、掃除機が床のホコリを吸い取る意味でも使えます。
1) ____ sucks
→「ひどい / 最悪 / つまらない」
suckは「ひどい」「最悪」「つまらない」の意味でよく使われる口語的な表現です。例えば、「この料理は最悪だ」は“This food sucks.”、「この映画はつまらない」は“That movie sucks.”、「私の仕事は最悪だ」は“My job sucks.”のように表現します。一般的に“____ sucks”の形式が使われます。
That restaurant has a nice vibe, but the food sucks.
I don't get what the hype is all about. I thought that movie sucked.
My job sucks. It doesn't pay well and I have to work long hours.
2) That sucks
→「それはひどいね / 残念だね / ついてないね」
“That sucks.”は「それはひどいね」や「残念だね」、「ついてないね」を意味し、不幸や災難といった悪い出来事に対する同情を表す表現として使われるインフォーマルなフレーズです。
✔友人のペットや誰かが亡くなった場合など深刻なシーンでの使用は非常に失礼にあたるので避けましょう。その場合は、“I'm very sorry.”や“I'm sorry to hear that.”を使うようにしましょう。
The tickets sold out? That sucks.
I can't believe your flight got delayed for 8 hours. That sucks.
That sucks. If I were you, I would have complained to the manager.
A: I just needed one more point to pass! It's so frustrating.
B: Ah man, that sucks.
A: I was supposed to study abroad in Vancouver this year, but it got canceled because of the coronavirus.
B: Are you serious? That sucks. Hopefully, you can go next year.
A: It was raining the whole time I was there. It was terrible.
B: Wow, that sucks. I had a similar experience when I went to Thailand last year.
3) Suck(s) at ____
→「〜が下手 / 〜が苦手」
suckはスポーツや楽器が「下手」、学校の科目が「苦手」と表現する時にも使うことができ、その場合は“suck at ____”の形式が使われます。例えば、「私はビリヤードが下手です」は“I suck at pool.”、「彼は運転が下手です」は“He sucks at driving.”、「彼女は絵を描くのが苦手です」は“She sucks at drawing.”のように表現します。
ちなみに、「君は下手くそだな」と言いたい時はシンプルに“You suck!”と言います。“You suck!”は状況によって、「君は役立たずだ」や「あなたは最低だ」の意味になることもあるので、状況に応じて判断しましょう。
✔「(彼は)〜が下手」→「(He) sucks at _____」
✔「(彼は)へたくそ」→「(He) sucks!」
I suck at cooking. I go to the convenience store or order on Uber Eats every day.
(私は料理が下手なので、毎日コンビニに行くかUber Eatsで注文します。)
He seriously sucks at driving. Honestly, he shouldn't be on the road. It's hazardous.
Is she really a professional singer? She sucks. She can't carry a tune.
I suck at cooking. The only thing I can make is cup noodles.
I suck at math. I never liked math ever since I was a kid.
He really sucks. He needs more practice.
4) Suck it up
“suck it up”は「我慢しなさい」を意味する口語的な言い方です。特にグダグダと愚痴をこぼしたり弱音を吐いている人に対して使われることが多く、文句を言わずに「我慢してやりなさい、終わらせないさい、なんとかしなさい」といった意味になります。“suck it up”は必ずこの組み合わせで使われるので、このまま覚えましょう。
Look. I know you're exhausted, but suck it up. We have to finish this by today.
My leg cramped up during the marathon, but I sucked it up and finished the race.
Don't put off your project. Just suck it up and finish tonight.
A: It's too hot. I don't want to do this anymore.
B: Suck it up. We're almost done. Let's finish up.
look for a job 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文
Look forward to 期待(這是小時候狄克森學到最基本的片語耶)
Stretch 名詞:一段時間 動詞:延展
My present job doesn't stretch me, so I'm looking for something more demanding.
I'd like to stretch my mortgage payments out over a longer period if possible.如果可能的話,我想把抵押借款的期限延長一些。
nervous wreck 精神崩潰的人
It’s not big deal.沒什麼大不了
You’re gonna pay for it.你必須要付出代價。
Pinch 捏
You say that you have to pinch yourself if you cannot really believe something that has happened because it is so good or so strange
In a row連續
Stress out 壓力過大而焦慮
to make someone feel very nervous and worried
Interviews always stress me out.面試總是令我非常緊張。
Category 類別
look for a job 在 樂筆 x 日光實驗室 Youtube 的最佳解答
Welcome to Sunlight~
The guest today is Green, the chairman of Chinese literature department! Now she’s a stewardess, whose leisure life is various.
After graduation, Green found a job about marketing first, working in the office, but there was a voice inside her, calling her to go out and see the elephant while she was young. Then she thought if she had to go to Australia for a working holiday.
Soon after an amazing thing happened! There is a new way in her life: becoming a stewardess. Since then she has flown in the world for 4 years. When every time I see her Instagram, I’m so envious because she’s cheerful, enthusiastic and actionable. But after this interview I realize that stewardesses look good but lonely.
Do you want to know truly life of a stewardess? Welcome to listen to this episode! Hope you to face unknown future more bravely and believe everything is for the best!
Apple Podcast、KKBOX、Spotify 🔍歡迎光臨
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- - -
主持人兼編輯 Host/Editor/:樂筆
剪接師 Sound Editor:Papa.H
翻譯 Translator:Youli
look for a job 在 betty titi Youtube 的最佳解答
#loveyourself #JustinBieber #cover #翻唱 #高中生
My Instagram: https://instagram.com/titibettyy?utm_medium=copy_link
For all the times that you rain on my parade
And all the clubs you get in using my name
You think you broke my heart, oh girl for goodness sake
You think I'm crying on my own, well I ain't
And I didn't wanna write a song
Cause I didn't want anyone thinking I still care
I don't but, you still hit my phone up
And baby I be movin' on
And I think you should be somethin'
I don't wanna hold back, maybe you should know that
My mama don't like you and she likes everyone
And I never like to admit that I was wrong
And I've been so caught up in my job, didn't see what's going on
But now I know, I'm better sleeping on my own
Cause if you like the way you look that much
Oh, baby, you should go and love yourself
And if you think that I'm still holdin' on to somethin'
You should go and love yourself
look for a job 在 Jessica Chong-Jhingoree Youtube 的最佳解答
Thanks for stopping by.
I am sure most of you have watched countless sourdough videos available out there, and most are mix by hand tutorials.
If you find joy in touching your dough and don’t mind the mess, well, good for you ??
But if you prefer a no-fuss and less messy way without compromising the end result, this recipe is for you!
See, I am impatient. I work a mentally demanding full time job, and when I make sourdough, I don’t like to fuss over them.
Normally, I maximise my yield for each batch by making 4-6 (sometimes 8!) loaves of sourdough, because making 1 or 10 loaves to me takes the same amount of preparation and effort.
Anyway, here’s the recipe.
300g Bob’s Artisan Bread Flour (or any high protein bread flour, at least 12-13% protein)
65g starter (tripled, use at peak)
233g water (room temperature)
6g Pink Himalayan Salt (or regular salt)
1. Autolyse 30 minutes
2. Add starter, mix, wait 15 minutes (I sometimes add salt together with starter when I am not in the mood and still get great results)
3. Add salt, mix, wait 15 minutes
4. Transfer to a bulking dish
5. Coil fold x 1
6. Coil fold x 2
7. Coil fold x 3
8. Coil fold x 4 - skip this step if your dough is strong
9. Leave to bulk
10. Total bulk 4 hours at 28C
11. Final shape
12. Cold retard overnight at 3C - make sure your fridge temperature no more than 3C!
13. Preheat oven at 250C, fan mode, for 1 hour
14. Bake at 250C, fan mode, for 35 minutes, lid close
15. And 250C, fan mode, for 5 minutes, lid off
16. Let bread cool completely before cutting, at least 1 hour
#sourdough #opencrumb #sourdoughbread
Always begin with a strong and healthy starter.
Make sure your dough has increased 50% in size.
As beginners, I know it is very hard to determine if your dough has finished its bulk fermentation based on the look and feel, due to the lack of experience. I know that feeling very well, because I was once that lost, clueless beginner myself.
After tinkering with sourdough for about a year, I have come up with a rough timing guide for bulk fermentation based on room/kitchen temperature, well, sort of like a cheat sheet, so you can get the hang of sourdough bread making and get good results every time.
Remember, bulk fermentation starts when starter is mixed into the dough.
Hope this helps!
23C = 6 1/2 hours
24C = 6 hours
25C = 5 1/2 hours
26C = 5 hours
27C = 4 1/2 hours
28C = 4 hours
29C = 3 1/2 hours
30C = 3 hours
31C = 2 1/2 hours
Personal // https://instagram.com/puterijessica
Soap Making // https://instagram.com/thesoapproject
Sourdough // https://instagram.com/thefoodprojectmy
Purchase Links:
Bob’s Artisan Bread Flour // https://www.amazon.com/Bobs-Red-Mill-Artisan-Ounces/dp/B019IKHF3M
Pink Himalayan Salt // https://www.amazon.com/HQOExpress-Organic-Pink-Himalayan-Salt/dp/B07QQL7VHP/ref=mp_s_a_1_6?dchild=1&keywords=himalayan+pink+salt&qid=1623762046&sr=8-6
Tanita Kitchen Scale // https://www.amazon.com/TANITA-Tonita-digital-cooking-KD-321/dp/B002WBTFDI
Tanita Room Thermometer // https://www.amazon.co.jp/-/en/Tanita-Thermometer-Humidity-Digital-Tabletop/dp/B010CK4Z9Y
Ikea Foljsam Bulking Dish // https://www.amazon.com/IKEA-503-112-69-Följsam-Clear-Glass/dp/B07L4L1YQC/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=ikea+foljsam&qid=1623762611&sr=8-3
Bread Banneton // https://www.amazon.co.uk/Banneton-Brotform-Rising-Proofing-Proving/dp/B01CCLAPQS
Bread Lame // https://www.amazon.com/UPKOCH-Wooden-Slashing-Plastic-Protective/dp/B081YNTM23/ref=mp_s_a_1_35?dchild=1&keywords=bread+lame&qid=1623930160&sr=8-35
Kuhn Rikon Bread Knife // https://www.amazon.com/Kuhn-Rikon-FBA_23505-Bread-Knife/dp/B009DOAINS
Equipment Used:
Camera // iPhone XS Max
Mic // Shure MV88
Video Editing // InShot Pro
Audio Editing // Cubase Pro 10.5
Music Credits:
Music by frumhere - the broken heart gang - https://thmatc.co/?l=23888EC7
Intro Music:
Music: Intro
Musician: Jeff Kaale
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